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And We're Off!

A friend on Facebook used the word "cautious" when describing how we should be welcoming 2023. When you think about it, she does make a great point. After all, many of us were very hopeful and eager when 2022 happened. We'd had enough of lockdowns and warnings and bad news. I suppose, though, that wishing for all of that to go away is much like wishing for a seed to grow overnight into a full-grown plant with fruit ready for us to pick and eat. Everything takes time.

It's not all bad, of course. Life goes on and this time, our new normal has shades of the old normal. If anything, I'd like to think that people have become more aware of best practices when it comes to hygiene and all that. Of course it didn't help when I visited the church and a man a couple of pews in front of me coughed while turning his head to the side. I have no idea how he still doesn't realize how turning his head to side might stop the spread of whatever might be in the droplets he just unleashed. That might sound dramatic but when you see those slow-mo videos, you just know I'm not being hyperbolic.

There's no sense in holding my breath. And that goes for being inside a church with a clueless man as well as when welcoming a new year. I shall, as my friend advises, proceed with caution.

And so, as I overhaul myself once again with my new journal and new gadgets (woohoo and thank you, family!), I have to remind myself that nothing good can be rushed. All I have to do is to stay focused and keep moving forward.

Enough of that and on to dolls! This year I plan to make more art dolls. This is also the year I make more online classes featuring the art dolls! See? I'm trying to work smarter and not harder.

2023 also came with two beautiful surprises. My husband left one morning, to pick up a used turntable. As he can be a bit of a Jack (the beanstalk kind), he usually returns with more than what he originally intended to come home with. That morning, it was a beautiful Hummel figurine that belonged to the turntable seller's mother. According to the seller, it was made in the 1950's. A quick search informed us that the porcelain figure is the Hummel Flower Madonna.

I was delighted with the additional purchase, of course. And I thought it all the more special because unlike some of the items the man was putting up for sale, this one wasn't from an estate sale. This one belonged to his mother.

The next surprise wasn't in quite the same vein. This time, my husband was taking an officemate out to lunch as a kind of farewell treat. His friend, Rajesh, will be migrating to Australia. When hubby came home, he had more than a full stomach. His friend not only passed on workout equipment and a Sodastream, there was a bag of wooden Indian toys for me!

I truly love handmade souvenirs from any country so you can imagine how I fell in love right away with this Indian dancing figure.

According to Rajesh, it was made by a popular toy maker in India. The figure is made up of four separate pieces so that when you give it a nudge, it looks like it's dancing. It's made of clay and except for the bottom piece, everything else feels a bit delicate. I'm always crushing on Indian fabric, designs, and color so this is one piece I know I'll always enjoy looking at.

I have loads of plans for the art dolls this year, and I do want to focus on a couple of themes. One, my favorite, is dance. The other is costume, starting with the beautiful native Philippine outfits for women. I also hold a fascination for clothes that have a touch of fantasy so that's something to consider. I'm very open to suggestions so if you have ideas for future sculpts, drop me a line!

That wraps up my January post. I will cautiously wish all of you a better and brighter 2023. Stay healthy, stay creative, stay curious!

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